
Tools and tips to earn captchatrader credits easily

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The most important thing you should know is that it is best to earn credits when the jobs per solver is high. You can find out about this by navigating to the statistics tab.
 Notice that in the chart, the time is currently 15 hours. The demand for captchas is pretty high. So, captchas will come continuously as a stream. You will be able to solve more captchas for the time spent.
If you observe the statistics for two or three days, you can get a clear idea of time for which there is maximum captcha demand. This is probably the time you want to solve captchas and earn credits. 

You can earn credits from the earn credits tab.
Captchas will keep coming and you need to type it into the little box above and hit the send button. You can also skip certain captchas if you find it difficult. Your answers will be recorded and withing a few seconds, correct answers will be marked with the green tick mark. You will earn credits for correctly solved captchas.

Note: Due to the hugely expanding users for captchatrader, the site is constantly in development. If you get an error message like "Connection lost: Dropped. Attempting to reconnect..." , the site is probably under maintenance. Log out and try again after a few hours.

It can be difficult to keep looking at this particular page and wait for captchas. So, there is an option to enable audio notifications. You can keep browsing or do any other work on the comp and you will hear a "ding" sound alert (audible notification) when captchas arrive. You can come back to this page solve the captcha and the proceed with other work meanwhile.  Not good enough, right? Wait, there's more.

Captcha Notifier

If you are using Google Chrome as your internet browser, you can install a plugin called Captcha Notifier with Chrome Notifications. If you install this, you don't have to navigate to the earn credits page each and every time a captcha arrives. Captchas will be displayed as a desktop notification.

You can customize the position of this notification and it will appear in the same location, every time. One nice feature of the plugin is that the cursor is automatically placed into the text box and it returns to your original position once you send the captcha.
If you enable audible notification, you can hear a "ding" sound along with the notification.

JCatGUI (Platform independent)

Another standalone software that you can install is jCatGUI. It works on all operating systems. But, you need to have the java runtime for it to work. You can download the software from the link below.

Download jCatGUI application (version 1.0)
Download Java Runtime Environment (you need at least the Version 6!)

Follow these steps depending on your operating system.- Windows: double click on downloaded jar-file or run it from the console with: javaw -jar jCatGUI.jar
 - Linux: set the executable bit on downloaded jar-file and then double click on it or run it from a shell with: java -jar jCatGUI.jar
 - MacOS X: assign "Jar Launcher" as the default app for downloaded jar-file or run it from a shell with: java -jar jCatGUI.jar

Login to the sofware. Make sure you enter the passkey and not the password. Using passkey is safter.

You can also customize the software from settings menu.

CaptchaToGo (windows phone)

If you don't want to enter captchas from your PC, you can enter them with your windows phone. With this software, you can enter captcha codes from a train, bus or anywhere. Solve captchas when you feel bored and use them later to download. Best situation is a boring lecture!

Download here- Captchatogo.xap (286.63kb)

CaptchaDroid (Android)

Earn captchatrader credits on your Android device easily with Captcha Droid.

Download here - CaptchaDroid

Captcha Ranger (Android)

Ea Download the captchatrader android plugin here


  1. I have Firefox and so cannot open the Java console (not compatible). If I double click the jar-file, my unzip program opens, and I don't think I should unzip the content of the jar-file; there is no .exe file or any sort of application.
    How can I get jcatgui installed?

  2. Right click on the file, click properties, go to general tab, change the "opens with" to Java(TM) Platform SE. That should work.

  3. Many thanks. That did in fact work. But what happens now? Should I see an icon on the Firefox toolbar? I don't understand how I can login to the software.

  4. Please ignore the earlier message; I think I've now got things working (not sure how!!)

  5. Sorry, no idea about that. This post is about captchatrader. There might be custom plugins available or you could get one written from developers. see the freelance banner in the main page. You could get it done through the site.

  6. maybe as alternative?



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